港加聯丶溫支聯丶沙省香港同行及溫哥華香港協進會等四個團體歡迎移民部長Sean Fraser宣佈延長開放式工作簽證(OWP)政策至2025年2月7日,並放寬申請條件至包括過去10年之大專畢業生。這是對各香港加拿大公民團體過去數年游說努力的一個肯定和正面回應。移民部今天對公開式工簽政策的延長限期和寛鬆化其申請條件,相信會吸引到更多香港人受惠於此政策而申請來加國定居。香港人與加拿大擁抱同樣價值觀,其專業技能和國際經驗肯定會為加拿大未來經濟和社會發展作出貢獻。
但是,我們留意到政策只放寬開放式工簽(OWP)的政策安排,而未有相應調整救生艇政策細節,Stream B的永久居民申請條件依舊為過去5年之大專畢業生。加拿大移民部應該在其網頁,向公眾明確指出現階段只是放寬了開放式工簽(OWP),而Stream B之條件是否變更依然有待公佈,亦應列出更多其他永久居民申請途徑的資訊。
我們和其他友會過去一直共同推動加拿大移民部完善對港人支援及移民政策。四個團體在過去3年中不斷地努力游說外交部丶移民部和相關逾80位的國會議員。我們會繼續同各方保持緊密溝通,反映港人移民所關注之政策意見。希望政府在放寬開放式工簽(OWP)條件後,盡快檢視並理順整個救生艇政策,進一步相應放寬Stream B永久居民申請條件,並延長政策至2026年以後。
Canada-Hong Kong Link, Vancouver Society for Support of Democratic Movement, Saskatchewan Stands with Hong Kong and Vancouver Hong Kong Forum Society welcome Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship of Canada (IRCC) Sean Fraser’s announcement extending and expanding the open work permit (OWP) program for eligible Hongkongers. The program deadline is now extended to 7th February, 2025 and its eligibility expanded to include Hong Kong residents who have graduated within the past 10 years from a post-secondary institution. This policy revision is a recognition and direct response toward the advocacy effort of Hong Kong Canadian organizations urging Canadian government to provide protection to Hongkongers seeking refuge in Canada. We believe the extension and expansion of Open Work Permit policy will help to attract and facilitate more Hongkongers to apply for immigration to Canada. Hongkongers who share the same core values as Canadians will bring in skill sets and international experience required for the economic and development of social fabric.
However, we notice that the policy revision only expands the eligibility requirements in the OWP program, while the Stream B (Canadian work experience) of the permanent resident (PR) pathway for Hongkongers is still only eligible to graduates within the past 5 years. IRCC should clarify on its website 1) this difference in eligibility of the OWP program and Stream B PR pathway, 2) whether revision of the eligibility of stream B will be further announced later, and 3) that there are other regular PR application pathways.
We and our Hong Kong Canadian allies have been advocating for IRCC to provide and revise policies that support Hongkongers and their immigration to Canada. In the past three years, we have been tirelessly meeting with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, as well as over 80 parliamentarians to advocate for policies toward Hong Kong. We will continue our communication with policy makers, voicing the concerns of Hongkonger immigrants on various issues. We hope that IRCC will soon review the Lifeboat program as a whole, synchronize the eligibility of Stream B permanent resident pathway with the new eligibility of the OWP program, and consider a continuation of the Lifeboat Program beyond 2026.
2023年1月,四個團體向外交部長Melanie Joly和移民部長Sean Fraser發出聯合信件,促請加拿大政府延長工簽計劃的限期,並寛鬆化申請的條件,讓更多港人可順利透過工簽計劃移居加國。1月26日,我們取得移民部主管的回信多謝我們的意見,並表示移民部正在積極地審視現行政策。另國會移民事務委員會在1月30日通過動議,要求政府:(一)延長救生艇計劃;(二)要求移民部豁免申請者必須獲得由香港警方發出的良民證;(三)要求移民部長修改這項臨時計劃,讓在過去10年畢業和擁有加拿大工作經驗的香港人能夠申請。